肩幅 51
身幅 53
袖丈 56
着丈 64
The design and quality are both very high quality. The condition is also good.
The pattern is bold, but the earth tones give it a very calm atmosphere, and the texture of the material makes this item look rich.
At first glance, it gives a high-quality impression, which is a given for Ralph Lauren's top models.
There are some slight knots and variations in speed that are unique to hand knitting. Please be aware of this before making your purchase.
If you would like to see additional photos, please contact us in the comments section.
Shoulder width 51cm
Bust width 53 cm
Sleeve length 56 cm
Length 64 cm
Please forgive any measurement errors.
LAUREN ジップアップハンドニット ノルディック
LAUREN ジップアップハンドニット ノルディック
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