新品 未使用 Mighty Mite MM2919 P-Bass Replacement Neck with a Fretless Ebonol Fingerboard [MIMITE-MM2919] Fenderライセンス
日本未発売のMighty Miteのネックです。
Fenderライセンス品となり、「Fender」「Squire (by Fender)」とあるギターであれば、余程特殊なギターで無い限りはポン付け可能というネックとなります。
The MM2919 P-Bass replacement neck is constructed of maple and a fretless ebonol fingerboard that has been given an oil-based finish.
Since the 1970s Mighty Mite has manufactured custom and replacement bass parts for luthiers, repairmen, and guitarists who can't wait to hot-rod their Fender Precision bass or P-style bass.
Type: fretless P-bass
Neck: maple
Fingerboard: ebonol
Fingerboard radius: 9.5"
Number of frets: none
Nut width: 1-11/16"
Finish: oil-based
※お持ちのギターにポン付け可能か否かは、Fender純正のボディをお持ちであっても 必ずネックエンドのサイズ等を確認して下さい
Mighty Mite MM2919 P-Bass
Mighty Mite MM2919 P-Bass
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Mighty Mite MM2919 P-Bass