Jolly Phonics is a program to teach Reading and Writing for preschool and elementary school children based on the method of synthesizing children's skills and senses based on phonics with 5 basic principles: Students learn letter sounds, learn how to form letters, learn sound combinations and distinguish sounds in words.
With these 5 skills formed, students can read independently in the shortest time.
The program is suitable for both native speakers and students learning English as a second language.
Children are taught about 42 basic sounds including how to pronounce letters in the English alphabet as well as how to pronounce digraphs such as sh, th, ai, ue...
Number of pages: 8-16 pages.
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海外 Jolly Phonics 72冊 ジョリーフォニックス
海外 Jolly Phonics 72冊 ジョリーフォニックス
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海外 Jolly Phonics 72冊 ジョリーフォニックス